About Me

Born on January 1, 1995, in Manhattan, New York and raised in in Miami Florida, Cain spent his childhood in studios and venues. He watched as his parents played music entertaining thousands of people, “It was always exciting and everyone enjoyed themselves.” Ever since Cain can remember, he has always loved playing the drums. There are many stories of when his parents would have to physically hide the drums just to get him to stop playing them.
As the years went by, Cain’s love for the drums and music intensified. Because his parents are both musicians, he was constantly being exposed to a wide variety of music and musicians. When his father used to take him to his gigs or rehearsals, he would sit completely silent and become completely mesmerized by music alone. Watching and listening to musicians was his favorite thing to do just as video games or football was to other kids.

As a result Cain gained a valuable education from these experiences not to mention the vast world travel ... places like China, Australia, Europe and South America just to name a few. Cain began to take a special interest in world music styles such as Brazilian, Afro-Cuban, and Haitian as well as others more contemporary styles like Jazz and Rock. His many musical influences include Steve Gadd, Vinnie Colaiuta, David Weckl, Dafnis Prieto, John Robinson as well as bands ranging from Red Hot Chili Peppers, Tower of Power, and Batacumbele.

But perhaps the most influential people in his music career would have to be his parents, Jimmy Daniel and Marybeth DeSarle. They have provided him with the means as well as the support he needed to pursue his dream. “My Dad has taught me everything that I know and continues to help me along my musical career as well as my life, and my Mother gave me a place to develop as a musician and learn many of the most crucial musical lessons at a young age.”

In 2014 Cain earned an impressive Full Tuition Scholarship to Berklee and had the opportunity studying with legendary musicians such as Terry Lynn Carrington, Dave DiCenso, Mark Walker, Eguie Castrillo, and John Ramsay to name a few.

At 27, Cain has already had the privilege of sharing the stage with world renowned artists such as Kanye West, Engelbert Humperdinck, Derek Hough, Sofia Reyes and Jesus Molina to name a few.
Today, Cain continues to play music and now lives in Los Angeles pursuing a career in music. Only the future holds what this young man can accomplish!


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